Saturday, December 15, 2007

Uncle Tim's Visit

Tom's little brother Tim flew in from Korea Tuesday evening for a 3 week visit to Canada. After a voyage of nearly 30 hours he was quite happy to arrive safe and sound. Due to last minute flight changes his luggage did not arrive until 2 days later, but that is the risk with international travel.

Tim's plan was to spend about 1 week in Ottawa visiting here and then he is off to NB to visit Mom and Dad for Christmas. He will be returning to Ottawa just after Christmas and they flying back to Korea before New Years day.

It took Tim a few days to get used to the 12 hour time differnce and I think it took him a LOT longer to get used to the cold. He arrived during a winter storm and the daytime temperature has been around -10 since he got here. Brrr.. welcome to Canada!

It was great to have Tim here for a few days! The kids really enjoyed the company and fought for his attention every day. Anna loved doing anything at all with Tim, while Matthew really enjoyed having someone to play Nintendo games with.

Here is a picture of Tim and Matthew during a quick break between games of Lego Star Wars:

and here is a picture of Tim, Matthew and Ann just before bed time.

It was great having Tim in Ottawa and we are sure going to miss him when he heads home!


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